About the Founder

Angus Thomas: Storyteller, Advocate, and Human Rights Campaigner

Angus Thomas is a photographer, storyteller, and lifelong human rights campaigner. His journey into humanitarian work began unexpectedly, deep in the Himalayas, when he encountered a group of Tibetan refugees fleeing their homeland. Walking with them to the prayer ground of the Dalai Lama in exile, he witnessed their resilience and struggle, sparking a commitment that would shape the rest of his life.

Returning to the UK, Angus became an advocate for Tibetan refugees, working as a parliamentary liaison officer. He briefed and lobbied MPs and the House of Lords, later serving as an FTC liaison to British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook during the first Sino-EU Summit in 1998. His dedication went beyond the political sphere as he personally sponsored orphaned Tibetans, supporting their education and futures.

Angus Thomas, founder and CEO of the Hope Education Project
HEP Founder, Angus Thomas

In 2019, Angus’s work took a decisive turn when he met a young Nigerian woman trafficked to the UAE for sexual exploitation. This chance meeting ignited what would become the Stop Trafficking Africa campaign (formerly Send Them Home) – a mission to rescue and repatriate Nigerian women trapped in sex trafficking in Dubai. Starting with a single woman, Angus soon uncovered a vast trafficking network, helping many others escape its grip. He built a network of safe houses in Dubai and, working under immense pressure, secured exit papers and emergency passports to ensure the women’s safe return home.

Angus Thomas of Hope Education Project talks with kayaye on the railway tracks, Accra
Angus with young kayaye in Agbogbloshie, Accra

The Stop Trafficking Africa campaign garnered widespread attention, with coverage on BBC News, The Victoria Derbyshire Show, and BBC Radio. In 2023, a six-month investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) focused on the trafficking ring Angus helped expose, an investigation syndicated by Reuters. His work earned him an award from Nigeria’s National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) during their 20th anniversary celebrations.

Beyond rescue efforts, Angus became an expert in advising NGOs and governments on trafficking to the UAE. He partnered with NAPTIP to challenge hotel chains in Dubai on their role in enabling trafficking, co-authoring an opinion piece in Hospitality Net with NAPTIP’s Director General. His work didn’t end with rescue – Angus stayed connected with the survivors, facilitating a group WhatsApp chat that allowed the women to support each other as they rebuilt their lives. He eventually adopted one of the young women he rescued, cementing his personal commitment to their futures.

While leading the Stop Trafficking Africa campaign, Angus also focused on Ghana, where he founded the Hope Education Project (HEP) to combat child trafficking at its source. He has spent time in Ghana’s northern regions and slums, working with both victims and perpetrators of human trafficking. Through the project, he’s collaborated with NGOs, government bodies, and academic institutions to develop educational programs aimed at preventing exploitation before it happens.

In 2023, Angus curated The Dark Side of Dubai exhibition in Soho, London—a six-week showcase of his work and the survivors’ stories. A centerpiece of the exhibition was a 15-minute documentary highlighting the lives of those rescued, giving voice to their resilience. Funds raised from the exhibition allowed him to rescue and repatriate more Nigerian victims.

Watch the Stop Trafficking Africa video

At the heart of his work, whether in the UAE, Ghana, or the UK, is Angus’s ability to build trust and tell stories that matter. Whether in the slums of Accra or the corridors of power, he uses his unique mix of empathy and advocacy to bring the stories of the most vulnerable to light, fighting for justice where it’s needed most.



The ICIJ‘s 6-month investigation into sex trafficking in the UAE focuses on Angus’ work in Dubai – syndicated by Reuters

The BBC Africa Daily podcast speaks to Angus and some of the survivors of sex trafficking he has rescued

Angus speaks to the Deutsche Welle AfricaLink podcast on International Women’s Day about human trafficking

The Economist Podcast features Angus and Jennifer, rescued from the UAE by Stop Trafficking Africa about her quest for justice in Nigeria

The Express Online features the work of Hope Education Project in their Crusader section by Maisha Frost

The Stop Human Trafficking exhibition in London – an immersive journey into the dark and complex world of human trafficking

Angus speaks to the Africa Rights Talk Podcast about his human trafficking work in Ghana, Nigeria and the UAE

Big international hotel brands must take seriously their role in stamping out human trafficking. Hospitalitynet opinion piece

Survivors must be included in anti-human trafficking solutions. EU Observer opinion piece

Stop Trafficking Africa partners with NAPTIP to rescue three victims of sex trafficking from Dubai


£20 funds an out-of-school childrens program

£50 funds a community outreach program

£90 funds course delivery to a Junior High School